Tunnel rates

When electrons tunnel through an insulating barrier, the tunnel rate can be calculated using Fermi's golden rule. This situation is typically described quantum mechanically by a Hamilitonian containing three terms.

Htotal = Hleft + Hright + Ht

Here Hleft is the Hamiltonian electrons on the left side of the barrier, Hright is the Hamiltonian for electrons on the right side of the barrier, and Ht is the tunnel Hamiltonian that describes how the left side and right side are coupled. If Ht is small enough that it can be treated as a perturbation, then Fermi's golden rule can be applied. The tunnel rate is given by,

Γi→f =  4π²|<Ψi|Htf>|²δ(Ei - Ef).

Here Ψi is the initial state and Ψf is the final state. If the electron tunnels from left to right, then Ψi would be an eigenstate of Hleft and Ψf would be an eigenstate of Hright. The Dirac delta function, δ(Ei - Ef), ensures that tunneling only takes place if the initial and final states have the same energy.

If both the left and right electrodes are metals, then there will be many initial states and many final states. The total rate will be given by a double sum over all possible initial states and all possible final states. There are so many states in a metal that the double sum can be converted into a double integral over energies. One of the integrals is readily performed using the properties of the delta function. If we assume that the tunneling matrix element that couples every initial state to every final state is the same, |<Ψi|Htf>|² = |t|², then the total rate for electron tunneling is,

ΓL→R =  4π²|t

Here ρL(E)f(E-EL) is the number of occupied states on the left at energy E, ρR(E)f(E-ER) is the number of empty states on the right at energy E, ρL(E) and ρR(E) are the densities of states on the left and the right, EL and ER are the Fermi energies on the left and right, and f(E-EL,R) = 1/(1+exp((E-EL,R)/kBT)) is the Fermi function. Typically, the densities of states are nearly constant near the Fermi energy and can be taken out of the integral. The integral over the product of Fermi functions can then be evaluated.

ΓL→R =  4π²|t|²ρL(ELR(ER)  ER - EL
hexp((ER - EL)/kBT) - 1

The contants can be collected together and the difference in Fermi energies can then be written in terms of the voltage drop across the junction, ER - EL = eV. The tunnel rate can then be writen as,

ΓL→R = V 1
eRexp(eV/kBT) - 1

Here R = h/(4π²e²|t|²ρL(ELR(ER)) is the tunnel resistance. For |eV| >> kBT, the tunnel rate can be approximated by,

ΓL→R = 0  for V > 0,
ΓL→R = -V  for V < 0.

In the limit |eV| << kBT, the tunnel rate is proportional to the temperature.

ΓL→R = kBT

While the tunnel rate is temperature dependent, the tunnel current is not. The current flows in the opposite direction to the electron tunneling. The current is,

IL→R = -|e|(ΓL→R - ΓR→L).

Using the expression for the tunnel rates, this can be written as,

IL→R = V.

A tunnel junction behaves like an Ohmic resistor.

When a quantum dot, small particle, or molecule is placed between electrodes, tunneling can take place from a filled state in the metal electrode to a single quantum state on the particle. Assuming that all of the states in the metal couple equally to the single quantum state on the particle, the tunnel rate would be,

ΓM→P =  4π²|t|²ρM(EP)  1.
hexp((EP - EM)/kBT) + 1

Here EP is the energy of the state on the particle and EM is the Fermi energy of the metal. If an electron tunnels from the particle to an empty state in the metal, the rate will be,

ΓP→M =  4π²|t|²ρM(EP)  exp((EP - EM)/kBT).
hexp((EP - EM)/kBT) + 1