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Faculty of Architecture
Institute of Architecture Technology
Circular Standards - Creation of a circular standard detailed Catalogue
MOHOHO - Modular wooden high-rise
Faculty of Civil Engineering Sciences
Institute of Applied Mechanics
VEGA - Virtual development of electrical components through geometry-based analysis
Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning
21_FFG_InVADE - Integrated Vehicle-in-the-Loop for Automated Driving and E-mobility
move2zero - Full decarbonisation of an urban public transport bus system andintegration of innovative on-demand services
TRIDENT - TRansnational IDENTification of Driver Behaviour for Virtual Test and Validation of Automated Driving
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
WAMOS - Wave Monitoring System based on GNSS/INS Integration
Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy
NONIs - New development of optimised and sustainable insulation joint systems
Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
Institute of Railway Infrastructure Design
FAMO2 - Physical rail track modelling 2
Förder_Infra - Acquisition of infrastructure
NONIs - New development of optimised and sustainable insulation joint systems
Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling
ChaMod-HSSR - Characterization and modelling of hard soil / soft rock considering anisotropy and swelling
Institute of Steel Structures
Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
Institute of Structural Analysis
VEGA - Virtual development of electrical components through geometry-based analysis
Institute of Structural Concrete
QualitySysVillab - Ensuring sustainable qualities in neighbourhood developments through process control and new digital methods
Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
MOHOHO - Modular wooden high-rise
Laboratory for Structural Engineering
Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Human-Centred Computing
FWF - HydroFRAME - The framing of national hydrogen imaginaries
Institute of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
AI4CSM - Automotive Intelligence for/at Connected Shared Mobility
Archimedes - Trusted lifetime in operation for a circular economy
ARIADNE - Artificial Intelligence Application for the Development of New AeroEngines
CARIPU - Cooperative Acting Robots in Industry and Public
EASIER - Enabling and Assessing Trust when Cooperating with Robots in Disaster Response
FutureWood - Sustainable Autonomous Forestry Logistics
KI-SecAssist - AI-based cooperative air and ground robotics for support and of emergency services in crisis situations
SIMPAS - Simulation of autonomous vehicle control based on passive localization
Institute of Visual Computing
20_FFG_INTERACT - Improved holistic assessment of pedestrian protection
AIRlabs Austria - Aeronautical Innovation und Research Laboratories Austria
EASIER - Enabling and Assessing Trust when Cooperating with Robots in Disaster Response
EU - CBE4I - Clean bioenergy for industry - Novel fuel flexible highly efficient and close- to-zero emission combined biomass gasification and combustion technology for industrial applications
FutureWood - Sustainable Autonomous Forestry Logistics
Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering
Electric Drives and Power Electronic Systems
BaKuTe2.0 - Battery short circuit tester 2.0
CD-Laboratory for Brushless drives for pump and fan applications
LINE-FEED - Plug-In Photovoltaic Storage
Institute of Automation and Control
BIOCONTROL - Model-based strategy for the optimal operation of bioreactors
CD-Laboratory for Model-Based Control of Complex Test Bed Systems
EU - MSCA - MOCO - Motion Control Systems of Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicles
iRel 4.0 - Intelligent Reliability 4.0
OOOPS - Optimised Object-aware Operation of Handling Systems
Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems
CD-Laboratory for Measurement Systems for Harsh Operating Conditions
EU - LENS - L-vehicles Emissions and Noise mitigation Solutions
FlyGrid - Flywheel Energy Storage for EV Fast Charging and Grid Integration
HyFleet - Decarbonisation of Mobility by Hydrogen Powered Special Vehicle Fleets
IKP4Mobility - Measuring system and isokinetic probe for the measurement of total water content in mobility applications
JOICE - Joint Austrian In-flight Icing Research Venture 2020+
Lasers - Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Emission Remote Sensing
LiONESS - Class L Opitmized battery systems coNsidering Efficiency, Safety and Sustainability
MOGLI - Multiphysical sensor technology to optimize the operation of lithium-ion batteries
OPAL - Online brake particle measurement solution for Real Driving Emission (RDE)
SafeION - Improved Safety for Na-Ion and Li-Ion Application
SmartRail2 - Development of a wayside condition monitoring methodology for rails based on an integrated ultrasonic inspection approach
TIRES - Tire Wear Emissions
Institute of Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering
bioCOMP4acoustics - Recyclable sound-absorbing composites with viscoelastic coated carbon+natural fibers and bio-based vitrimer matrix
FWF - AKURAD - Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction of Enclosed Radial Fans
Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering
AIRlabs Austria - Aeronautical Innovation und Research Laboratories Austria
Institute of Technical Informatics
OPEVA - OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy
ShuttleTrack - Technology-agnostic Precise and Federated Localization of Intra-logistics Shuttles
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy
Institute of Discrete Mathematics
ai4green - Artificial Intelligence for Improved Container Loading Efficiency
RTTP - Robust Tactical Transport Planning
Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis
EU - AMAPOLA - A Marketable Polymer based Al-S battery
iRel 4.0 - Intelligent Reliability 4.0
PEROPTAM - Perovskite organic tandem solar cell
Institute of Geodesy
CONCLUSION - CO2 reduction on industrial composting plants using GNSS-based cooperative localization
ESTIMATION - Enhancing Satellite Geodesy Using Mega Constellations
GNSS-Check - GNSS risk assessment tool
SENSOR - Secure PNT Superiority
SURUx2 - Semi-automatic robotic system for the detection of NBC hazardous substances and IEDs
WAMOS - Wave Monitoring System based on GNSS/INS Integration
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics
KIN3D - 3D kinetic plasma transport under reactor conditions
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences
Institute of Automotive Engineering
20_FFG_INTERACT - Improved holistic assessment of pedestrian protection
21_FFG_InVADE - Integrated Vehicle-in-the-Loop for Automated Driving and E-mobility
AC/DC - Automatic Charging / Dynamic Charging
Carbobrake - Development of a Thick-walled Carbon Fiber Reinforced Brake Caliper for High Performance Automotive Applications
CentralSystem - Central system for supporting automated vehicle testing and operation
FutureWood - Sustainable Autonomous Forestry Logistics
Hy.CoMM - Clean Hydrogen Construction and Mining Machines
move2zero - Full decarbonisation of an urban public transport bus system andintegration of innovative on-demand services
OnRoadBE - Requirement Measurement of on-road brake emissions
OPAL - Online brake particle measurement solution for Real Driving Emission (RDE)
OPEDLCM - Simulation and optimization methods for highly utilized electrical machines
PECOP - Key Technology of PErception and Control in COoperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System for Urban Public Transportation
RUBIN - Determination of tire and brake particle emissions in commercial vehicles
SenseRoad_AD - Sensing the tire-road friction for safe and comfortable adaptive automated driving functions
TIRES - Tire Wear Emissions
TRIDENT - TRansnational IDENTification of Driver Behaviour for Virtual Test and Validation of Automated Driving
ULEED - Ultra Low Emission Electric Drum Brake - Reduction Potential of Brake Dust Emissions through Drum Brakes
Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology
CustMaS - Customer Management Skills in Digitalizing B2B Markets
EU - MCSA - SME 5.0 - A Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centred SMEs
SAFECORNER - Safety, Climate and Performance Appraisal of Heavy Machinery Supply Chain Members in Austria and Serbia as a Resilience Enhancement Tool
Institute of Engineering and Business Informatics
DACIO - Digital Automated Coupling in Infrastructure Operations
TARO - Towards Automated Railway Operation
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
WetCleanSIM - Computational modeling for wet cleaning inside semiconductor nanostructures
Institute of General Management and Organisation
21_FFG_SafeLIB - Safety Aspects of Lithium-Based Tractions Batteries Including the Qualification for Second Life Applications
EU - MCSA - SME 5.0 - A Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centred SMEs
Institute of Logistics Engineering
CONCLUSION - CO2 reduction on industrial composting plants using GNSS-based cooperative localization
EU - CBE4I - Clean bioenergy for industry - Novel fuel flexible highly efficient and close- to-zero emission combined biomass gasification and combustion technology for industrial applications
EU - MCSA - SME 5.0 - A Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centred SMEs
FutureWood - Sustainable Autonomous Forestry Logistics
ISAAK - Development of a simulation approach for the analysis ofsmall shipments
PhysICAL - Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics
REBEKKA - Modelling flexible CEP consignments for bulk handling
Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development
EU - AccCellBaT - Accelerated cell and battery testing
Interface - Dedicated Piston Bore Interface
Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming
AluEx - Expertises in Aluminum Forming
CARpenTiER - Modelling, Production and Processing of Eco-hybrid Structures and Materials
HyDestiny - Advanced Compressed Hydrogen Storage Technologies and Distribution Systems
ReMET - Revolutionary measurement and testing technologies for hydrogen applications
We3D - Wire-based additive manufacturing – materials and technologies – for 3D metal structures of the future
Institute of Production Engineering
22_FFG_BATTBOX - Battery recycling best operations by X processes for circular battery ecosystem
ADAPTEC - Adaptive Technologies for handling of bulk materials
EU - MCSA - SME 5.0 - A Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centred SMEs
Mg4AM - Alloy-development and safe L-PBF process for magnesium parts
ResearchLin-X - Development of 2 use cases for networking the pilot factories and their partners by means of a Gaia-X compliant data room
SUPRA_2 - Sustainable Production and Assembly of Fuel Cells and Electrolysers
Institute of Structural Durability and Railway Technology
Leichtarm - Leightweight arm system
nBrake - Innovative braking system for rail vehicles
Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
TIPI - Tailored inspection intervals for wheelset axles
Institute of Thermal Engineering
Bio-LOOP - Chemical Looping for efficient biomass utilisation
Dec-NET - A new decentralised negative emissions technology based on flexible production of heat, biochar and CO2
HyTechonomy - Hydrogen Technologies for Sustainable Economies
QualitySysVillab - Ensuring sustainable qualities in neighbourhood developments through process control and new digital methods
ReMET - Revolutionary measurement and testing technologies for hydrogen applications
Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics
ARIADNE - Artificial Intelligence Application for the Development of New AeroEngines
EU - OFELIA - Open Fan for Environmental Low Impact of Aviation
H2-TCF - Aerothermal investigation of an aggressive turbine intermediate casing in the new stress field of hydrogen combustion
Moebius - Recursive sequential constant section chamber for reliable and low-NOx combustion of hydrogen
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems
CCSonShips - Ship Propulsion with CO2 Capture and Related Options for CO2 Handling
EU - LENS - L-vehicles Emissions and Noise mitigation Solutions
EU - VERA - Vehicle Emission Retrofit Activities
GAMBIT - Green mobility with AEM fuel cell concepts
GHOST - Green hydrogen on-board storage
H2trans - Zero Impact Emissions in Transient Operation of H2 Engines for Light Commercial Vehicles
HyDISI - Near-zero Emission Concept for H2 DI Otto Engines
Hylley - Research into Competitive and Practical Heavy Duty Hydrogen Engines
HyTechonomy - Hydrogen Technologies for Sustainable Economies
Interface - Dedicated Piston Bore Interface
MEMGEN - Novel Large Scale Membrane Electrolysis Stack Diagnostics
nBrake - Innovative braking system for rail vehicles
OASES - One megAwatt electrolySis tEst System
ReMET - Revolutionary measurement and testing technologies for hydrogen applications
RENEW - Renewable Energy and Hydrogen System Simulation
RUBIN - Determination of tire and brake particle emissions in commercial vehicles
Vehicle Safety Institute
20_FFG_INTERACT - Improved holistic assessment of pedestrian protection
21_FFG_BioLIB - Biobased Multifunctional Laminates in Batteryhousings
21_FFG_InVADE - Integrated Vehicle-in-the-Loop for Automated Driving and E-mobility
21_FFG_SafeLIB - Safety Aspects of Lithium-Based Tractions Batteries Including the Qualification for Second Life Applications
22_FFG_BATTBOX - Battery recycling best operations by X processes for circular battery ecosystem
22_FFG_HolzF3 - 3D elements made of woodF3 - solid, mouldable, fire-resistant
22_FFG_Stitch - Stitching of veneers for prevention of rolling shear and delamination failure
22_VSF_ALIVE - Accident prevention between cyclists and trucks
22_VSF_KISIMO - Development of an infinite child model for accident analyses, traffic simulations and Mobility formation
22_VSF_NEWTON - In-depth analysis of truck and bus accidents and derivation of accident prevention measures
23_EU_NEMO - Next-generation battery models and battery electronics development
23_FFG_CarryMeHome - Energy-efficient, modular and seamless passenger and goods transport with a focus on active mobility
23_FFG_E-track - Design guidelines for the development of sustainable, safe and cost-optimised Traction batteries
23_FFG_Naturally - Setting up the “Naturally” innovation lab
23_VIF_DELTA - P21F14 - Detailed experimental and simulative analysis of the boundary region between dynamic and quasi-static (DELTA 2)
23_VSF_DIVERSE - Gender-specifc differences in injury risks from road crashes
24_FFG_FairOSA - Fair occupant protection for all
24_FFG_SMADBatt - Sustainable materials and design for electric vehicle batteries
Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology
Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials
21_FFG_SafeLIB - Safety Aspects of Lithium-Based Tractions Batteries Including the Qualification for Second Life Applications
EU - AMAPOLA - A Marketable Polymer based Al-S battery
FC-Core - Fuel cell production - development of core competences
PEROPTAM - Perovskite organic tandem solar cell
posSIBle - Promoting Sustainable Hard Carbon for Sodium-Ion Batteries (SIB) toenable an Austrian Battery Value Chain
Institute of Bioproducts and Paper Technology
KoMo LiSa - Continuous lignin modification in balck liquor
Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
AlpeDHues - Aging analysis and performance optimization of fuel cells during highly dynamic operation
AniGen - Novel AEM designs and scale-up
B.GASUS - Fuel cell gas test system - Influence of pollutant gases in real driving operation
Bio-LOOP - Chemical Looping for efficient biomass utilisation
Coat and Roll - Research into roll-to-roll thin-film production technologies
Dec-NET - A new decentralised negative emissions technology based on flexible production of heat, biochar and CO2
ECO-FCEV - Energy- and Cost-Efficient Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
EU - MEASureD - Advanced MEAs ensuring high efficiency HDV
EU - MSCA - Unite.Energy - Unite! Doctoral Network in Energy Storage
FC-Core - Fuel cell production - development of core competences
FCircular - Improved circularity of PEM fuel cell stacks and systems for heavy road vehicles and short- to medium-range aircraft
FWF - ACCEPTOR - Advanced ceramic supported oxygen carriers
GAMBIT - Green mobility with AEM fuel cell concepts
H2GreenFUTURE - Addressing the challenges in the process of developing hydrogen technologies to transition to a carbon-neutral society in Slovenia and Austria
HICAR - Structured oxygen carriers for long-term use with increased cycling stability for the storage and generation of green hydrogen
HyDrides - Innovative metal hydride applications
HyTechonomy - Hydrogen Technologies for Sustainable Economies
INTEGRAL - INTelligEnt GlyceRin wAste recycLing
Jeffree - Joint Effort for Efficient PFAS Free Catalyst Coated Membrane for Fuel Cells
KoMo LiSa - Continuous lignin modification in balck liquor
polyDURAMEA - Polyaniline modified catalyst for durable polymer electrolyte fuel cell membrane electrode assembly
ProGen - Novel PEM membranes and high-pressure electrolysis
ReMET - Revolutionary measurement and testing technologies for hydrogen applications
SHyRE - Sulfuric acid and hydrogen production for the electronics industry through innovative recycling
Institute of Process and Particle Engineering
R-Ni2Steel - Development of experimental procedures and mathematical models as the basis of a controlled and environmentally friendly reprocessing process for NiMH batteries
R-PREVENT+ - Understand PaRticlE VENTing for Safer Batteries Plus