Sprung über die Förde

Sprung über die Förde

Eine strategische Umnutzung des Kieler Kohlekraftwerks.

Masterarbeit von Sarah Peers
Eingereicht: 2020


As we face times of energy revolution in Europe and renewable energy sources become favored, many older power plants are no longer of value to the industry. Hence, creative solutions for future ruins need to be found and appropriate strategies on how to handle them as part of our industrial heritage are required. The following work explores the transformation and reuse of a recently closed coal power plant in Germany’s ‘maritime capital’ Kiel, situated on the eastern banks of the Kiel Fjord. Special consideration is given to the embedding of the area into the urban context and the improvement of notable malfunctions of local inland and maritime public transport systems. Given potentials are displayed based on a detailed analysis of the city and site including their historical background. Implementing these results towards a masterplan a strategy for the transformation of the site is developed with various ideas spread over the whole plot. Especially stressing the need for improvement in Kiel’s communal infrastructure this initiative is used as a tool to reengage the entire zone into the perception of the citizens. In this sense, the project aims to raise awareness for the long-forgotten east side by creating different spots of cultural interest and thereby attracting the public. A closer look shows different approaches for the reuse of existing objects either by introducing new programming without changing the current structures substantially or by partly adding new volumes where thought advantageous. In conclusion, this collection of pro posals proves the method of reuse as a valuable alternative to the demolition of the structure. Furthermore, it is able to complement the experience of the city in a valuable way.


Masterarbeit von Sarah Peers