PHT.301 Physics of Semiconductor Devices




Electrons in crystals

Intrinsic Semiconductors

Extrinsic Semiconductors


pn junctions




Bipolar transistors




Exam questions

Html basics

TUG students

Student projects


Mathematical expression tester

This website uses MathJax to render mathematical expressions. If you want to contribute to the website without installing MathJax, you can use this form to write some equations using html and latex and then check to see how these expressions will appear on the website. Press the 'submit' button to see how the following equations will be displayed.

For the purposes of contributing to the course notes, you don't need to know much html. Paragraphs start with <p> and end with </p>. For nonstandard symbols like ö or α, use html entities. If you want to copy something from another web page, right mouse click on the background of the page and select 'view source' to see how the page is coded.

Inline equations can be put between $\$$ signs. For instance $\$$x^2$\$$ results in $x^2$ and $\$$\hbar$\$$ results in $\hbar$.

Equations can be labeled:

$\backslash [$ $\backslash$begin{equation} $\backslash$label{quadratic_equation}
$\backslash$large ax^2 + bx +c
$\backslash$end{equation} $\backslash ]$

This equation can then be refered to in the text as $\backslash$eqref{eq:quadratic_equation}.

To test your page locally, you can put the following header at the top of a text file

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
    jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"],
    tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\(","\\)"]]}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Beneath this put latex text (without the headers) and open the file with a browser.