Phonon density of states of the Debye model

In the Debye model, the dispersion relation is linear, ω = c|k|, and the density of states is quadratic as it is in the long wavelength limit.

$$D(\omega )= \frac{3\omega^2}{2\pi^2 c^3}\quad \text{[s rad}^{-1}\text{ m}^{-3}\text{]}.$$

Here c is the speed of sound. This holds up to a maximum frequency called the Debye frequency ωD. In three dimensions there are 3 degrees of freedom per atom so the total number of phonon modes is 3n.


Here n is the atomic density. There are no phonon modes with a frequency above the Debye frequency. The Debye freqency is $\omega_D^3 = 6\pi^2nc^3$.

The form below generates a table of where the first column is the angular frequency ω in rad/s and the second column is the density of states D(ω) in units of s/(rad m³).

[1015s/(rad m³)]

ω [1012 rad/s]

Speed of sound: c =


Atomic density: n =



Speed of sound [m/s]

Atom density [m-3]

Debye frequency [rad/sec]













































 iron oxide(magnetite) 




















The density of states can be used to calculate the temperature dependence of thermodynamic quantities.

The high temperature limit $k_BT > > \hbar\omega_D$

The energy spectral density is,

$$u(\omega) = \frac{3\omega^2}{2\pi^2 c^3}\frac{\hbar\omega}{\exp\left(\frac{\hbar\omega}{k_BT}\right) -1}.$$

In the high temperature limit, the exponential factor can be expanded as $\exp\left(\frac{\hbar\omega}{k_BT}\right)\approx 1 + \frac{\hbar\omega}{k_BT}$. The energy spectral density then becomes,

$$u(\omega) = \frac{3\omega^2}{2\pi^2 c^3}k_BT.$$

This can be integrated to yield the internal energy density,

$$u = \frac{\omega_D^3}{2\pi^2 c^3}k_BT= 3nk_BT.$$

The specific heat has the Dulong-Petit form,

$$c_v = 3nk_B.$$