3.2 Crystal = Bravais lattice + Basis
3.13 Orthorhombic / tetragonal Bravais lattices
3.14 Equivalent planes and directions
3.16 The (111) and (222) planes of simple cubic
3.18 Monoclinic, angle between [110] and [111]
3.19 Constructing a Wigner-Seitz cell
3.21 A two dimensional crystal
3.23 A triangle-hexagon tiling
3.26 Crystallographic direction [uvw] in the (hkl) plane
3.27 Lattice planes of an fcc crystal
In a crystal, atoms are arranged in straight rows in a three-dimensional periodic pattern. A small part of the crystal that can be repeated to form the entire crystal is called a unit cell.
A crystal can be specified in several ways. One way is to repeat the primitive unit cell at each translation vector,
$$\vec{T} = h\vec{a}_1 + k\vec{a}_2 + l\vec{a}_3$$Here $\vec{a}_1$, $\vec{a}_2$, $\vec{a}_3$ are the primitive lattice vectors and $h$, $k$, and $l$ are integers. The primitive lattice vectors are not unique; different choices for the primitive lattice vectors are possible.
Another common way to specify crystal is to give the lattice parameters $(a,b,c,\alpha,\beta,\gamma )$, the space group, and the asymmetric unit. The lattice parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ are the lengths of the sides of a parallelepiped; $\alpha$ is the angle between $b$ and $c$; $\beta$ is the angle between $a$ and $c$; and $\gamma$ is the angle between $a$ and $b$. This parallelepiped can have a larger volume than the primitive unit cell. If it is possible to use a cubic unit cell, crystalographers use the smallest possible cube as the conventional unit cell. For simple cubic, the conventional unit cell is the primitive unit cell but for bcc, the conventional unit cell is twice the volume of the primitive unit cell and for fcc, the conventional unit cell has four times the volume of the primitive unit cell. The asymmetric unit is the minimum number of atoms you need to specify to create the basis by applying the symmetries of the space group to the asymmetric unit.
Explain what a Bravais lattice is and what a basis is. How can you construct the basis from the asymmetric unit?
Show that the maximum proportion of the available volume which can be filled by hard spheres arranged on various lattices is: simple cubic, 0.52; body-centered cubic, 0.68; face-centered cubic, 0.74; hexagonal close pack, 0.74, diamond 0.34.
If you pour hard spheres into a container so that they stack randomly, the filling is about 0.64. This is called random close pack.
Polonium forms a simple cubic crystal with one atom in the basis. The lattice constant is 3.359 Å.
The density of Po is 9.23 g/cm³. How many unit cells are there in 100 g of polonium?
The body centered cubic (bcc) lattice has two Bravais lattice points per conventional unit cell. Give the primitive lattice vectors and calculate the volume of the primitive unit cell. Compare it with the volume of the conventional unit cell.
Consider a crystal with one atom per bcc Bravais lattice point. Give the basis vectors in fractional coordinates of the atoms in the primitive unit cell and in the conventional unit cell. The conventional unit cell of bcc is cubic.
Calcium Fluoride, CaF2, has an fcc Bravais lattice and a basis with Ca at 000 and F's at fractional coordinantes ¼ ¼ ¼ and ¾ ¾ ¾ of the conventional (cubic) unit cell. Sketch one conventional (cubic) unit cell of the structure. Sketch a primitive unit cell. The lattice constant is $a = $ 5.451 Å. What is the distance from a Ca to an F atom in Angstroms?
Graphene is a two-dimensional lattice which is built by a continuous arrangement of regular hexagons of sp² hybridized carbon atoms (see below). The distance between nearest neighbor atoms is 0.14 nm.
(a) What is the Bravais lattice of graphene?
(b) How many atoms are there in a primitive unit cell?
(c) The distance between the Bravais points is called the lattice constant, $a$. Express the primitive lattice vectors in terms of $a$. What is the lattice constant $a$ in Å?
(d) Draw the Wigner-Seitz primitive unit cell.
(e) The basis vectors describe the positions of the atoms in the unit cell. Write these basis vectors first in terms of the absolute positions (with $x$- and $y$- components and distances in Angstroms) and then in fractional coordinates. Fractional coordinates are usually given in terms of the conventional unit vectors. An atom at position $\vec{r}= f_1\vec{a}_1 + f_2\vec{a}_2$ has fractional coordinates $(f_1,f_2)$. For graphene, the conventional lattice vectors are the same as the primitive lattice vectors.
Graphite is the soft black material in pencils. It is one of the polytypes of carbon. The conventional unit cell and lattice parameters of graphite are shown below.
What is the Bravais lattice, the basis, the primitive lattice vectors, and the volume of the primitive unit cell?
Diamond has an fcc Bravais lattice. The primitive lattice vectors are,
$\vec{a}_1=\frac{a}{2}\hat{x}+\frac{a}{2}\hat{y}$, $\vec{a}_2=\frac{a}{2}\hat{x}+\frac{a}{2}\hat{z}$, $\vec{a}_3=\frac{a}{2}\hat{y}+\frac{a}{2}\hat{z}$.
There are two atoms in the basis. The positions of the two carbon atoms given in terms of the fractional coordinates of the conventional unit are,
$\vec{B}_1=(0,0,0)$, $\vec{B}_2=(0.25,0.25,0.25)$.
(a) Draw the arrangement of the carbon atoms in the (110) plane using the Miller indices of the conventional unit cell. Label the directions in your drawing with Miller indices. Indicate the distance between the atoms in the two perpendicular directions.
(b) What is the volume of the primitive unit cell of diamond?
3.6 A conventional (cubic) unit cell of zincblende, ZnS, is shown below. Note the similarity to the diamond structure.
(a) How many atoms of each type are contained in a conventional unit cell?
(b) What is the Bravais lattice?
(c) Give a set of fundamental translation vectors $(\vec{a}_1, \vec{a}_2, \vec{a}_3)$ which can be used to define the primitive unit cell. How many atoms are there in the primitive cell?
The space group of a crystal is 227. How can you determine the point group and the Bravais lattice of this crystal?
For an hcp crystal: $a=b=c/1.633$, $\alpha=90^{\circ}$, $\beta=90^{\circ}$, $\gamma=120^{\circ}$. Calculate the volume of the primitive unit cell in terms of $a$.
Show for an ideal hcp structure that ratio $c/a$ is
\[ \begin{equation} \frac{c}{a}=\sqrt{\frac{8}{3}}=1.633. \end{equation} \]There are four orthorhombic Bravais lattices but only two tetragonal Bravais lattices.
(a) Show that a base-centered (C) tetragonal lattice is equivalent to a primitive (P) tetragonal lattice.
(b) Show that a face-centered (F) tetragonal lattice is equivalent to a body-centered (I) tetragonal lattice.
Miller indices
Every point of a Bravais lattice can be reached from the origin by a translation vector of the form,
where $\vec{a}_1$, $\vec{a}_2$, $\vec{a}_3$ are the primitive lattice vectors and $h$, $k$, and $l$ are integers called the Miller indices. The direction that the vector $\vec{T}_{hkl}$ points is denoted with square brackets, $[hkl]$. If there are directions that are equivalent due to symmetry any of the equivalent directions are specified by angular brackets <$hkl$>.
For example, in a cubic system:
<100> = [100], [010], [001], [-100], [0-10], [00-1]
<110> = [110], [-1-10], [1-10], [-110], [101], [-10-1], [-101], [10-1], [011], [0-1-1], [0-11], [01-1].
Often the minus signs are drawn as overlines [-10-1] = $\left[\overline{1}0\overline{1}\right]$. This is pronounced one-bar zero one-bar.
Using Miller indices, planes are denoted with curved brackets $(hkl)$. The $(hkl)$ plane intercepts the axis in the direction of $\vec{a}_1$ at $\frac{|\vec{a}_1|}{h}$, the axis in the direction of $\vec{a}_2$ at $\frac{|\vec{a}_2|}{k}$, and the axis in the direction of $\vec{a}_3$ at $\frac{|\vec{a}_3|}{l}$.
Equivalent planes are denoted with curly brackets $\{hkl\}$. Three points that can be used to define the $(hkl)$ plane are $\left( \frac{a_{1x}}{h},\frac{a_{1y}}{h},\frac{a_{1z}}{h} \right)$, $\left(\frac{a_{2x}}{k},\frac{a_{2y}}{k},\frac{a_{2z}}{k} \right)$, and $\left(\frac{a_{3x}}{l},\frac{a_{3y}}{l},\frac{a_{3z}}{l}\right)$. The normal vector to this plane can be determined by taking the cross product of two vectors in the plane. If $(h,k,l \ne 0)$, two suitable vectors are $\vec{v}_1=\frac{\vec{a}_1}{h}-\frac{\vec{a}_3}{l}$ and $\vec{v}_2=\frac{\vec{a}_2}{k}-\frac{\vec{a}_3}{l}$. The unit vector normal to the $(hkl)$ plane is,
$$\hat{n}_{hkl}=\frac{\vec{v}_1\times \vec{v}_2}{|\vec{v}_1\times \vec{v}_2|}.$$For cubic crystals, $\vec{T}_{hkl}$ is normal to $(hkl)$ and parallel to $\hat{n}_{hkl}$ but this is not generally true for crystals with other symmetries.
(a) which planes are equivalent to (100) in a tetragonal system?
(b) which planes are equivalent to (210) in a tetragonal system?
(c) which directions are equivalent to [120] in a tetragonal system?
3.15 (a) The lattice parameters of a tetragonal crystal are $a = b = 2$ Å, $c = 3$ Å, $\alpha = \beta = \gamma = 90^{\circ}$. From this information we can deduce that the primitve lattice vectors are $\vec{a}_1 = a\,\hat{x}$, $\vec{a}_2 = a\,\hat{y}$, and $\vec{a}_3 = c\,\hat{z}$. What is the length of the translation vector $\vec{T} = 2\vec{a}_1 + 6\vec{a}_2 + 5\vec{a}_3$? What is the unit vector that points in the direction of $\vec{T}$? What are the Miller indices that specify this direction in the crystal?
(b) The lattice parameters of a simple hexagonal crystal are $a = b = 3$ Å, $c = 4$ Å, $\alpha = \beta = 90^{\circ}$, $\gamma = 120^{\circ}$. From this information determine the primitive lattice vectors. What is the length of the translation vector with $h = 4$, $k = 3$, and $l = 1$ ?
Draw the (111) and (222) planes in a simple cubic unit cell, with lattice constant $a$. Determine the normal distance between the two planes.
Draw the NaCl crystal structure. What is the Bravais lattice? What shape does the Wigner-Seitz cell have? What are the positions of the atoms of the basis given in fractional coordinates of the conventional (cubic) unit cell? Draw a (111) plane.
Calculate the angle between the [110] direction and the [111] direction for a monoclinic lattice with a = 0.3 nm, b = 0.4 nm, c = 0.5 nm, and β = 107°.
The normal vector to a plane
The set of planes perpendicular to a vector \(A_x\hat{x}+A_y\hat{y}+A_z\hat{z}\) is,
where \(C\) is any constant. If a point \( (x_0,y_0,z_0)\) on the plane is known, \(C\) can be calculated,
$$C=A_xx_0+A_yy_0+A_zz_0.$$The app below will solve 3 linear equations for three unknowns. (It determines the point where three planes intersect.)
The faces of a Wigner-Seitz cell are defined by planes that perpendicularly bisect vectors from the origin to the Bravais lattice points. To determine where the corners of a Wigner-Seitz cell are, it is necessary to find the points where three planes intersect. For an bcc lattice, the primitive lattice vectors are,
$\vec{a}_1=\frac{a}{2}(\hat{x}+\hat{y}-\hat{z}),\quad \vec{a}_2=\frac{a}{2}(-\hat{x}+\hat{y}+\hat{z}),\quad\vec{a}_3=\frac{a}{2}(\hat{x}-\hat{y}+\hat{z})$.
Here $a$ is the length of a side of the conventional cubic unit cell. At which point do the planes that bisect the vectors $\vec{a}_1$, $\vec{a}_2$, and $\vec{a}_3$ meet?
A plane cuts the crystalographic axes of a crystal at $\vec{a}$, $\vec{b}$, and $\vec{c}$ where $\vec{a}$, $\vec{b}$, and $\vec{c}$ are the primitive lattice vectors. What are the Miller indices of this plane?
In two dimensions, a Bravais lattice has two primitive lattice vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\). The lengths of these vectors are the lattice constants \(a\) and \(b\).The angle between the primitive lattice vectors is \(\gamma\). There are five two-dimensional Bravais lattices,
If more than one Bravais lattice can be used to describe a periodic structure, there are priority rules to determine the 2D Bravais lattices.
A two dimensional crystal is shown below.
(a) Draw the two dimensional Bravais lattice.
(b) Draw a unit cell indicating the two primitive lattice vectors in this plane. How many atoms are there in the primitive unit cell?
In a Cairo tiling, a two-dimensional plane is fully filled by pentagons. The geometry of a single pentagon is formed by four identical side length (blue) and one different side length (red) and angles of 90° and 120°.
Draw the primitive lattice vectors in this periodic pattern.
A triangle-hexagon tiling covers a two-dimensional plane with equilateral triangles and hexagons. Two different lengths are involved (drawn in blue and red) with a ratio of 3:2. The arrangement of the tiles is given in the drawing below.
(a) Determine the 2D Bravais lattice of the tiling.
(b) Draw Bravais lattice points.
(c) Draw the unit cell vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) and the enclosed angle \(\gamma\).
(d) How many triangles and how many hexagons are there in a conventional unit cell?
(e) How many triangles and how many hexagons are associated with one Bravais lattice point?
In case of a hexagonal lattice $(a = b \ne c,\, \alpha = \beta = 90^{\circ}, \,\gamma = 120^{\circ})$ four Miller indices $(hkil)$ are used to give the notation of a crystallographic plane. The Miller index $i$ is given by $i = -h-k$. The use of the index $i$ simplifies the identification of equivalent planes (equivalent planes are planes with identical interplanar distance $d_{hkl}$ of the hexagonal lattice, since cyclic permutation of the indices $hki$ within $(hkil)$ gives equivalent planes.
Show graphically all equivalent planes to (11-20).
Poles are directions perpendicular to a crystallographic plane
Consider an orthorhombic lattice with lattice constants $a = 3$ Å, $b = 4$ Å, $c = 5$ Å. Give the pole direction of the (210) plane, which is the crystallographic direction [uvw] oriented perpendicular to the (210) plane.
Consider a cubic lattice. Give a single crystallographic direction [uvw] which is within the (111) plane. Note, there many directions within the (111) plane.
A more difficult problem is: Consider a triclinic lattice. Give all crystallographic directions [uvw] which are within the (111) plane.
Consider the planes (100), (001), and (111) of an fcc crystal. The indices refer to the conventional cubic unit cell.
What are the indices of these planes when referred to the primitive unit cell of the fcc lattice? The primitive lattice vectors are,
$$ \vec{a}_1=\frac{a}{2}(\hat{x}+\hat{z}),\quad \vec{a}_2=\frac{a}{2}(\hat{x}+\hat{y}),\quad\vec{a}_3=\frac{a}{2}(\hat{y}+\hat{z}),$$where $a$ is the lattice constant.
Draw the arrangement of the Bravais lattice points in the (100), (110) and (111) planes for a bcc lattice. Label the directions in your drawing with Miller indices. The Miller indices reference the conventional unit cell. How could you determine the pattern of the atoms on the surface of a metal experimentally?
In two dimensions, a Bravais lattice has two primitive lattice vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\). The lengths of these vectors are the lattice constants \(a\) and \(b\). The angle between the primitive lattice vectors is \(\gamma\). There are five two-dimensional Bravais lattices,
If more than one Bravais lattice can be used to describe a periodic structure, there are priority rules to determine the 2D Bravais lattices.
The program below draws red dots at the Bravais lattice points. For each of these points, a black line is drawn that bisects the vector from the central Bravais lattice point to the other bravais lattice points. The region that can be reached from the central Bravais lattice point without crossing any black lines is the Wigner-Seitz cell.
$\vec{a}_1=1\,\hat{x}$ $\vec{a}_2=$ $\hat{x} + ($ $) \hat{y}$
Draw the Wigner-Seitz cells of the following lattices:
Austinite is a crystal with the chemical formula CaZnAsO4(OH). What are the lattice parameters $a$, $b$, $c$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$? What are the point group, space group and Bravais lattice of austinite? How many symmetries are there in the point group? (You have to find this information online.)
Consider a rhombohedral lattice. All lattice contants have the same length $a=b=c$ and the angles between the primitive lattice vectors are all the same $\alpha = \beta = \gamma$.
Show that the primitive lattice vectors in real space can be chosen to have the form,
\[ \begin{equation} \vec{a}_1 = d_1\hat{x}+d_1\hat{y}+d_2\hat{z}, \\ \vec{a}_2 = d_1\hat{x}+d_2\hat{y}+d_1\hat{z}, \\ \vec{a}_3 = d_2\hat{x}+d_1\hat{y}+d_1\hat{z}. \end{equation} \]Here $d_1$ and $d_2$ are constants. Find the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors and show that the reciprocal lattice is again of rhombohedral type.
In a Double Hexagonal Close-Packed (DHCP) structure, close-packed hexagonal planes are stacked ABAC$\cdots$. This is a close-packed structure with the same packing density as hcp (ABAB stacking) and fcc (ABCABC stacking). Elements that form DHCP are lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, cerium, americium, curium, berkelium, and californium.
(a) What is the Bravais lattice, basis, and asymmetric unit of Lanthanum?
(b) How many nearest neighbors does each atom have?