MAS.020UF Introduction to Solid State Physics


Crystal Structure

Crystal Physics




Exam questions





CIF file

Consider the material described by this CIF file.

(a) What is the Bravais lattice of this material?

(b) How many atoms are there in the basis of this crystal?

(c) What are the primitive lattice vectors of this crystal?

(d) What is the volume of the primitive unit cell and what is the volume of the conventional unit cell?

(e) How many elements are there in the point group of this crystal?

(f) Which elements of the electrical conductivity tensor are nonzero?

(g) How many optical branches are there in the phonon dispersion of this crystal? Are the transverse branches degenerate in the [100] direction?

(h) What are the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors?

(i) What is the length of the reciprocal lattice vector $\vec{G}_{123}$?

(j) What is the square of the x-ray structure factor of the $\vec{G}_{123}$ reflection?

(k) Sketch the electronic band structure of this crystal using the empty lattice approximation.