Numerical Methods







- Establishing communication
Communicating with instruments


Getting started with Python and PyVISA

Python is a high level programming language that is suitable for small and large projects. It has a large library, operates on many platforms, and is free to download. To communicate with instruments that support the VISA standard we'll use the PyVISA package. PyVISA allows you to communicate using a variety of interfaces such as GPIB, RS232, USB, or Ethernet. It is necessary to install a VISA library separately to PyVISA. You can get this library from National Instruments or from Keysight. See the installation instructions. In addition to PyVISA, it is useful to have the scientific computing package NumPy and the package Matplotlib for plotting. An easy way to get these packages installed with Python is to download a Python distribution like Anaconda.

To use these notes it is convenient to configure your computer to open *.py files with an integrated development environment for Python such as IDLE. If this is done, the development environment will open when you click on a link to a .py file and you will immediately be able to run the file.

  • Sololearn offers online tutorials for Python. You can download the tutorials onto your phone and learn Python when it is convenient for you.
  • A book with useful examples is the Python Cookbook by David Beazley and Brian K. Jones.