Once communication has been established with an instrument, the basic commands to communicate with it are open(), write(), read(), query(), and close().
Resource.open(): Opens a session to the specified resource. For example,
Sets the output of the waveform generator to a 6 kHz sine wave with a 2 V peak-to-peak amplitude and a dc offset of -2.5 V.
Consult the manual of the instrument to see which commands it understands.
Resource.read(): Reads information from the resource, e.g. to
get the data after a measurement was triggered by a command via write().
Resource.query(): Pass a command to the resource and returns its
answer. (Basically read() and write() in combination.)
Resource.close() Closes the session and disconnects the device.
Resource.clear() Clears the buffer of the device.
Below are descriptions of instruments and of measurements which contain example Python scripts.